Give Clean Water Today

By becoming a monthly donor, you commit to ensuring clean water flows continuously for rural communities in South Sudan. Donate today and unite with us in our mission to provide safe, reliable access to clean water for rural communities in South Sudan.

Celebrating 20 Years of Impact

Water for South Sudan started 20 years ago because of an idea our Founder & Chief Strategy Director, Salva Dut, had to drill a well in his father’s village. Twenty years and more than 625 wells later, WFSS has expanded into a global community that is mobilized by dedicated supporters like you.

Our Commitment to Sustainability

Sustainability is a holistic approach. Our locally hired, 100% South Sudanese team leads all of our water, sanitation, and hygiene programs in the rural communities we serve. Speaking the languages and understanding the customs of the communities we work in means our projects are long-lasting and continue to provide communities in need with invaluable and sustainable WASH programs to create healthier and prosperous communities.

 Project Totals


It all started with a Lost Boy of Sudan who just kept walking…

Water for South Sudan began when a Lost Boy from a rural village in southwestern Sudan returned home, only to find his father fighting deadly waterborne parasites. 

After seeing his father’s condition, Salva decided to take matters into his own hands and help his community access better water, sanitation, and hygiene practices.  

And today, we call this movement Water for South Sudan!


People in South Sudan live without daily access to safe water and sanitation services.


Children, often girls, spend their days walking for water. They walk an average of 3.7 miles per trip. Sometimes they make multiple trips to obtain water, carrying up to 40 pounds (18 kgs) of water each time.


of people in South Sudan have access to basic sanitation services

Watering the Seeds of Change

  • happy children pumping clean water

    Water Wells

    We help drill, maintain, and restore water wells so the people in South Sudan have access to clean water all year-round.

  • hygiene trainees learning about safe water practices


    We make sure to educate communities about hygiene so that the clean water from existing wells doesn’t get contaminated due to poor hygiene practices.

  • students in front of latrine


    Our sanitation program makes sure people have access to latrines so communities can prevent the spread of diseases.

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