Operating Season Update: Spring 2024

Though the operating season is quickly coming to a close in the next two months, our South Sudan team has been striving to reach our season goals of 20 new wells, 20 well rehabilitations, and 40 hygiene education training programs. 

In addition to these regular operating season goals, established partnership projects with Norwegian Church Aid, UNICEF, and The Carter Center have continued this year, as well as a project with Caritas South Sudan.

Check out our partner project highlights and images of what field teams have accomplished to date this operating season.

Norwegian Church Aid

  • Aweil, Warrap State: 15 non-functional wells rehabilitated

  • Twic, Warrap State: 5 non-functional wells rehabilitated

  • Malakal, Upper Nile State (refugees in this area): 2 emergency latrines constructed

  • Malakal, Upper Nile State: Climate resilience project

    • Drilled 1 of 2 wells 

    • 8 well rehabs - team is working to identify additional sites

  • 70 Water Management Committee members (40 Women & 30 Men)

  • 8 Hygiene Promoters trained (4 Women & 4 Men)

  • 20 Pump Mechanics trained (10 Women & 10 Men)


Improve Access to Safe Water Supply, Hygiene Promotion and Sanitation Services in Warrap State

  • Rehabilitated 10 wells with resilient platform

  • Upgraded an existing handpump well to a solar-powered water storage system

  • Trained water user committee (77 trainees) and pump mechanics (20 trainees)

  • Constructed a new latrine 

  • Rehabilitated one latrine

  • Hygiene promotion at nutrition facilities

    • 2,000 beneficiaries

  • WASH and non-food items distributed to nutrition facilities

    • 685 households impacted

The Carter Center

  • 7 Wells drilled at guinea worm sites

  • 56 Water Management Committee members (7 people per well) trained in borehole management in Tonj East.

  • 8 Female hygiene promoters trained in Tonj East as community-based hygiene promoters.

  • 16 Community leaders trained in Borehole supervision and monitoring.

Caritas South Sudan

  • Wau, Western Bahr el Ghazal State: 2 new wells drilled

  • Aweil, Warrap State: 1 new well drilled

Make sure to follow us on our social media platforms to stay up to date with all things WFSS. Thank you for your support of this invaluable work. 


Women’s Empowerment Project update


The Impact: Well Rehabilitation